Saturday, August 9, 2008

I would like to revisit the quote that headlines this blog:

"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."

Are you doing what makes you come alive? Am I? These are hard questions. What makes you come alive? Do you know? Or are you just like so many of us.....going through the motions and earning a living but what about creating a life?

Tonight I was blessed to watch one of my dear friends do what makes him come alive. I went to a Warstories concert tonight. And in the little club called Saint Rocke in Hermosa Beach I watched Evan Robinson of Warstories do what makes him come alive. As he performed one of his newest songs, Heart of Gold, I felt it. You know, that feeling that overwhelms you when an artist and his craft become one. He became the lyrics and the music and the performance all at the same time. It was truly beautiful and inspiring.

I remember going to a workshop by a well known author and watching her. The crowd was mesmorized. And I wrote in my journal, "if you do what you love people will come from everywhere to watch you because we see the truth like a light in the dark night". Maybe a little too poetic but look around some time. Every messenger has an audiance if they are willing to step out on the edge and speak their truth.

Since this whole post is for me I have to ask, "Am I living my truth?" Am I doing what makes me come alive? Am I creating a life or earning a living? It might be too late tonight to answer these questions but I promise I will adventure into these lands.

As for Evan and Warstories.....who knows? I can tell you that watching him perform is a thing of beauty. His heart is in it and his intent is pure. Who knows why some make it and some dont. All I know is I am holding a vision for this conscious songwriter/performer that he will continue to share his gifts.

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