Sunday, August 24, 2008

Day 7

Neale Donald Walsh, author of the Conversation With God series, teaches that the moment you choose to "be" something everything unlike it will rush into the space. James Ray, author and speaker, teaches his students about the Law of Duality. He teaches that in our 3D world there must be black to experience white, there must be up to experience down.

Hmm, I started this experiment off strong. Two days of total bliss and joy. I was beginning to think this experiment was going to be a walk in the park. The more I have focused on ease, joy and playing my way to the life I desire.......the more challenges have been showing up. And oddly this excites me. I know what waits on the other side of this. I have experienced breaking through many barriers this past year.

One of the tools I use is a process called "The Work". The originator of this process is Byron Katie. This process is not for everyone and I must admit at first glance it seems way to easy. I mean really......4 questions and a turnaround??? I invested 10 days digging into this 'simple' process with her and I came out on the other side totally different.

If you are interested in learning more go to Take a peak and see if its a fit. I will tell you that should you decide to explore Katie's teachings you will learn why she calls it The Work. It is an amazing process to know yourself.

I will get into this more deeply a little later and share my findings around my own concepts.

Much Love.....

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