Sunday, August 31, 2008

Day 13- Appreciation......

Every speaker, teacher, author and preacher who has come into my life these past two years have all agreed upon one thing. Appreciation is the fastest way to line up with your desires.

I am no Biblical scholar but one thing that stuck with me over the years of learning about the teachings of Jesus was that he always gave thanks in advance. It was as if he saw the ‘miracle’ as complete before it happened and he was in a state of constant appreciation. One of my favorite phrases is ……

Judge not by appearance.

So for fun I am going to write 7 rampages of appreciation over the next 7 days. I will either post them all or post the feelings of them. I am sending a few letters to some friends and I wouldn’t feel good about posting that so I will let you know what shows up in that process.


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