Sunday, September 7, 2008

Day 20- Teacher Appreciation.....

I remember the day like it happened a few hours ago. I was sitting at my desk in Fargo, ND. I had confusion coursing through me like poisean. I remember the darkness that surrounded me in that moment. I remember saying it out loud, the words flowing forth were pure desperation. I asked for guidance to anyone or thing that was listening. I needed help, I felt like I was drowning in life and I needed some assistance. So I asked.

And as always the Universe answered. There is a saying in the metaphysical circle that when the student is ready the teacher will appear. In my experience I would say this is true. There have been 3 teachers among the multitude that have shown up that I would like to say a few words about.

The first came to me in the oddest of ways. A few months after making my verbal request I was at a movie and it moved me. In fact, I got home and I felt invigorated and alive. I admired so many things about the ‘hero’ and I wanted to operate from those same states of being. I remember sitting down at my computer and typing the words “spiritual life coach” into the google search bar.

To this day I still don’t know why I did this, it just felt right. I ended up calling two of the people I read about. I still remember the feeling when I spoke with Elyse. I wasn’t a great communicator at this point in my life and she really heard every feeling I released. The rest is history I suppose. We have been working together for almost 3 years now and no relationship has impacted me more over those years. I would say she is the best mirror in the world. Whenever I have an issue that I can’t quite see she is able to shine a really bright light on it and allow me to work through it.

Around this same time I was wandering through a Barnes and Noble one day when a book jumped out at me. The title was catching, “Ask and It Is Given”. The authors names were Jerry and Esther Hicks. I flipped through a couple of pages and the name Abraham kept coming up. A biblical name with a biblical title….worth a try. Well the love that shined forth from this book is what I picked up on. Abraham-Hicks teachings have been a corner stone of my life these past 3 years. What a joy to have such amazing teachers to follow in the steps of.

Elyse and I had been working together for almost a year and she kept mentioning this women named Byron Katie and this process she had for releasing stressful concepts and thoughts. A little over a year ago, again for no apparent reason, I was on Katie’s website and noticed she was going to be in Los Angeles on one of my days off. She was having a free 3 hour talk. I decided to go and see what all the hype was about…..

To say the least I was mesmorized by this woman. She radiates love to everyone she interacts with. I watched her sit for hours and hold her tone of love and understanding. I imagined feeling like those rare few who get the opportunity to see a living saint interact with others. Such love, compassion and understanding flowed forth. I remember her entrance most of all the entire room was buzzing and she just walked in, sat down and smiled. Her peace overwhelmed us, everyone just sat.

Through some amazing events I was able to spend 10 days with her in a retreat a year ago. It truly changed my entire life. I learned tools and ways of living that shifted me and caused me to look at who I really am. She has truly been an amazing teacher.

I have had many other teachers of course. The piece that seems to make these 3 so special is that they live their teachings everyday. I am amazed at Elyse’s honesty and the way she tells everyone of both her ups and downs. Jerry and Esther are more than open about their life and how Abe’s teachings affect them. Katie opened to us on the retreat and to hear how she went to hell and found heaven was truly inspiring.

One of my good friends recently said, “A lot of people talk, very few do”. Well said Meg. If you like to learn more about these amazing teachers their sites are below.

Much Love

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