Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Day 47- 300

Wow, I have posted in a long time. I have been on vacation to North Dakota for the past 9 days. I know, I know it doesn’t sound like much of a vacation but I can tell you that if you desire peace, quite and nature it is perfection.

I picked up a Men’s Health for my flight to ND. As I got into the article featuring Gerard Butler I got that feeling. You know that feeling, when you stumble upon some advice you need to hear that is perfect for you at that time. As I was reading through the article I was taken back by the growth and philosophy of this guy.

For those of you who do not know Butler was the lead actor in the movie 300. About two years ago MH interviewed Butler. It was almost hard to read it. He seemed to be a guy who was very uncertain of who he was, what he was about and where he belonged. It didn’t leave you feeling very good as he spoke of his training habits and the “motivation” behind his work-outs.

Fast forward 2 years to some of these quotes by Butler:

“What happens is the Universe conspires. Once you make a decision to do something, the Universe starts to help you.”

“I am aiming for the stars. I’ll worry about the details later.”

“There are no rules, only principles. Nothing else matters.”

There are no rules, only principles…..I like that. I like the idea of creating a life where you stand for something and you are flexible enough to allow others to live their lives fully. So often I notice others attempting to place their rules onto me. I am aware enough to know it is done with love and that they just want to the best for me. I am also aware that I used to place my rules on them. It’s all out of love and it’s crazy. I say “Know Thyself”. Know what your greatest life looks like and then go out and be it. Clarity proceeds greatness every time.

Much Love,

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