Monday, October 20, 2008


Here we are. The end of the experiment. Wow, what a trip?! I am so grateful that you found your way here in the most perfect way for you. The whole point of this experiment was to play with the idea of creating a different way. The idea that maybe it doesn't have to be hard to experience the joys of life. That maybe it's possible to have a joyfull journey and a joyfull ending.

I have to admit I started with the hope or attachement or agenda of getting some result. I never mentioned what my intentions were and in total honesty there was a part of me that wanted every one of them to materialize. Of course that was the beginning and what happened was I shifted somewhere in the mix.

At some point this became less about getting something and more about becoming someone totally different. I vacationed more in the past 60 days than I have in the past year. I only worked a little over half the month of Sept. I learned that I could be abundant and feel abundance without the constant action of work. I learned that I could have a blast, be in joy and just allow the best to come to me. And I learned that when action comes from a place of joy, inspiration and fun it is a delicious part of life.

If I remember correctly during the initial phase of this I mentioned this is more about an internal shift than an external one. The shift happened at some point. I began to realize this is much bigger than playing or spreading my thoughts throughout this blog. At some point this became an opportunity to create greatness. I know it sounds clichae but this has nothing to do with the forms in my life and everything to do with who I am on a moment to moment basis.

I remember being asked once if I were to die tomorrow how I would feel sitting in a review of my life. Would I be able to feel like I was used up or that I left my gifts in the bag, so to speak. I like the idea of creating greatness. I like the idea of this life never being done, that I will always be in a state of creation and desire. I like the idea that I am not done and that there are many more doors to explore behind. I like the idea that the rabbit hole goes deeper. I like the way I am playing my version of this game. I like that my life is becoming more inclusive, more focused on the both/and versus having to choose the either/or parts.

This is just the beginning.......

Much Love,


Friday, October 10, 2008

Day 52

Holy Smokes it's almost over. 8 days until the end of my experiement. I have a lot to share and will start posting my findings this week. I just received a fantastic email from a's leading edge so prepare yourself.....

Abraham on How the Economy Will Recover

This past weekend, Abraham-Hicks (teachers of Deliberate
Creation) were questioned about the economy and they responded in this way:

"It's going to take some people not feeling fear, to focus on vibrational reality until it comes enough into fruition...

Worry not. We've seen this before and we know you will come out of it. Balance will come back." -- 10/7/08

Yesterday CNN published a report citing that 6 out of 10
Americans believe a depression is likely.

Please note: In this same report, not a single economist
thought that this was the case.

Citing social "safety net" programs that were not in place at the time of the Great Depression(Social Security, unemployment insurance and insurance on bank deposits) along with a commitment by the Federal Reserve and world banks to keep resources moving through the system, Anirvan Banerji (director of research for the Economic Cycle Research Institute) stated "We're a long, long way from a depression."

However, Banerji also pointed out the following kicker:

"The fact that the majority of people believe we are going into a depression ensures that the recession will get worse."

And so I ask all of you today:

"At this critical time, are you choosing to align yourself with
the problem or align yourself with the solution?"

What you are thinking matters...

Let's be real, people. What we choose to think and believe right now does very practical ways.

Putting metaphysics aside, there are dozens of practical reasons to keep our wits about us and to resist the pull of fear.

In terms of the Great Depression, we can learn much from the man who understood what it would take to turn the tides at that time.

In his Inaugural speech, Franklin D. Roosevelt spoke the
following words:

"Our distress comes from no failure of substance. We are stricken by no plague of locusts. Compared with the perils which our forefathers conquered because they believed and were not afraid, we have still much to be thankful for."

And, of course, he understood the challenge at the heart of the matter:

"Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself - nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance."

What you can do today...

There are tools and processes that you can learn today that will enable you to come "back into balance" when you find yourself slipping into fear and doubt.

And mastering this "turnaround" ability is the greatest gift that you can give yourself (and your family, and your community...) at this time.

*So how do you make the turnaround? Just ask, I have a few suggestions......

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Day 48

On my flight back from ND I was reading through my journal. I started keeping a journal almost 5 years ago when a success speaker named Jim Rohn suggested it. He said to keep a log of your thoughts, great tips and insights you receive over the years. As I read through my past year of notes, insights and tips I was taken back by how much great advice was in there.

An entry from a few days ago reads, “Maybe this experiment isn’t about me playing my way to abundance, prosperity or right work. Perhaps it’s about me finding myself, finding a way of life that allows me to show up as a better man, son, brother, friend, employee, ect… Maybe it’s about me finding principles and philosophies to greatness”?

A principle that kept showing up throughout my journal was….”Freedom is living a life without expectation. Choose but don’t want.”

Here’s some advice from Robin Sharma, “Set goals, make plans, take inspired actions, do your best and then let go of any attachments and allow the Universe to bring it forth”.

Wow. Sound advice from wise men. So ultimately this experiment has turned into something much bigger than I could have dreamed. It went from being a different pathway to achieve some intentions to a way of life. Know thyself. I find those words so important I tattooed them on my arm.

I will leave you with this quote from my journal…..

“Know thyself and you shall know the powers of the universe and the powers of the gods.” ~Delphi

Much Love,

Day 47- 300

Wow, I have posted in a long time. I have been on vacation to North Dakota for the past 9 days. I know, I know it doesn’t sound like much of a vacation but I can tell you that if you desire peace, quite and nature it is perfection.

I picked up a Men’s Health for my flight to ND. As I got into the article featuring Gerard Butler I got that feeling. You know that feeling, when you stumble upon some advice you need to hear that is perfect for you at that time. As I was reading through the article I was taken back by the growth and philosophy of this guy.

For those of you who do not know Butler was the lead actor in the movie 300. About two years ago MH interviewed Butler. It was almost hard to read it. He seemed to be a guy who was very uncertain of who he was, what he was about and where he belonged. It didn’t leave you feeling very good as he spoke of his training habits and the “motivation” behind his work-outs.

Fast forward 2 years to some of these quotes by Butler:

“What happens is the Universe conspires. Once you make a decision to do something, the Universe starts to help you.”

“I am aiming for the stars. I’ll worry about the details later.”

“There are no rules, only principles. Nothing else matters.”

There are no rules, only principles…..I like that. I like the idea of creating a life where you stand for something and you are flexible enough to allow others to live their lives fully. So often I notice others attempting to place their rules onto me. I am aware enough to know it is done with love and that they just want to the best for me. I am also aware that I used to place my rules on them. It’s all out of love and it’s crazy. I say “Know Thyself”. Know what your greatest life looks like and then go out and be it. Clarity proceeds greatness every time.

Much Love,