Monday, June 8, 2009

Letting it in.....

Everything is vibrational. "I'm letting it in or I'm not. And I'm using lots of things as my excuse to let it in, or as my excuse not to let it in." But it's all vibrational. Otherwise, we should be able to take 100 people, give them all identical exposure to experience, and get identical results. And you can't do that. You'd get 100 different results, and you'd get several big differences in results.

--- Abraham

This is an interesting quote. Think about this a bit. This is Matrix stuff.

I was a fitness trainer for years and I watched as two people would put forth the same effort, taking the same action, and get completely different results. It was staggering....until you spoke with them. Inevitably one believed in the actions they were taking and one didn't.

We all have what I call governor on our beliefs around money, family, our partners, health, ect. T Harv Ecker calls it a set point; a place where our beliefs will not allow us to go. We can all take the same actions but it is our beliefs, our concepts that keep us in a heaven or a hell.

I am personally noticing this play out in my life. I am watching my job cycle through and the same patterns re-surfacing again. I am attempting to raise my set point, to "let it in", so to speak. I am looking for reasons to feel good. I am making lists of positive aspects of all the amazing people in my life. I am making gratitude lists daily. I want to feel good now and watch what happens....

I will keep you posted :)

Much Love,


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